IoT Deployments in Q2 2019

IoT deployments through mobile operators continue to grow and beat forecasts. After reviewing public company results and missives from IoT analysts (James Brehm and Associates, ReThink Research), just the ten companies identified below, have nearly a quarter billion devices connected to their networks. 

The top player, Vodafone, adds 1.5-2M devices A MONTH.  Also worth noting:  the satellite IoT providers are now competing with other non-standard low power bandwidth (LPWA) providers (Sigfox, others) with a favorable price and reach.  The sat provider market growing to $6B by 2025, with $5B of that attributed to connectivity. 

Key Takeaways

  • IoT rollouts continue

  • The Telcos and satellite IoT companies play significant roles in the IoT space

  • New IoT network offerings –lower power or narrowband—are rolling out aggressively (Verizon covers 92% of the US) and serves key market segments (agriculture, fixed assets, moving assets, security alarm, white goods/appliances) with inexpensive “always-on” pricing vs. WiFi

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